7 steps to make decorative Chinese brushes

Chinese brushes

Chinese brushes are a necessary writing utensil in China, so we refer to them as calligraphy brushes. Many people still learn Chinese calligraphy. Some people would like to regard Chinese brushes as decorative brushes. You will find those brushes displayed on the walls or desks for home decoration. Chinese brush is one of the four treasures of the study. The other three are ink, paper, and ink stones. Because this kind of brush is seldom found, it is quite attractive. So for this post, we will introduce seven steps to make Chinese brushes.

The main materials are wood, bamboo, jade, porcelain, glazed pottery, ceramics, and other special ones. Chinese calligraphy brushes are perfect for wall art decor, desk accessories, and handmade gift ideas today. But many people use them for writing and painting. So they have different functions.

how to make Chinese brush craft

If we count all specified processes, they can be around 200, so it needs a lot of work. Let me share how to make Chinese brushes and help you learn a lot.

1. You have to select different types of header materials. The raw materials mainly include goat wool, goat beard, horse bristle, and cow hair. I just listed a few headers of raw materials. There are a lot of raw materials. They are jade, bamboo, wood, stone, bone, porcelain, beads, and more.

2. According to the dimensions, shapes, and usages of calligraphy, it is important to finalize the pattern. The procedure must be tested several times until it is successful.

3. Sort out the specified fabrics and put them in order. So it was better to put them there instead of cutting on the top of the header furs.

4. It is the most complicated process, but you have to finish working in the water. The processes include hair removal, fur sorting, fur filling, and header separation. It needs a constant operation in the water.

5. Workers will glue them and then fix them with the slim thread on the top of the header furs.

6. those fur knobs are rightly inserted into the holders of Chinese brushes. We glue them and fix them tightly.

7. The craftsmen engrave and carve the designs by hand. They are different requests based on different materials.

Calligraphy brushes are getting more and more popular today because the processes are so complicated. I give a brief account of how to make Chinese brushes. In those processes, I just introduce the main processes for your reference, so you will know more about one of the Four Treasures of the Study.